
This semester I tried to show you people from different fields that have done something remarkable even though it required making sacrifices. 

Rita Levi Montalcini had to hide because she was born jewish.

Ryan Hreljac was told to be too young to act.

Zaha Hadid had to blaze a trial as a female architect. 

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry imposed himself strict moral rules.

Sylvia Earle didn't limit her acivities to science but also devoted a lot of time and energy to pro-environmental actions.

Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis run afoul of his supervisors to save lifes.

Florence Nightingale didn't listen to her parents and changed the world of nursing.

Frank Soo didn't quit sport despite tough conditions.

Katherine Switzer just wanted to run and had to bend some ridiculous rules to do it.  

Gareth Jones searched for the truth.

It may seem that there are no common features among all these pople. But there is, at least one. Perseverance. What I find the most inspiring in these very different stories is the fact that all the people were doing what they had planned with admirable patience and motivation. They didn't quit even when the situation was tough, when nobody believed in their story.

I hope you enjoyed reading about all these inspiring people. See you next semester! :) 


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